Grace Bible Church

Recent Comments
    • 5loaves2fishes
      Rebar for the backbone
      --particularly for us who live in North America and the British Isles and have lived free of persecution – until recently. When one of us faces government officials who nurse hatred toward a lone voice in the wilderness (such as the prophet Micaiah) and favor the 400 religious moderates (I Kings 22) who speak with unanimity, Mr. Hey’s sermon helps us bear the hatred or public ridicule.
    • Yolanda
      Great Sermon!
      John Pittman Hey, may our God bless. God was satisfied with Jesus' and because of this we are at peace with him.
    • Yolanda
      Great Sermon!
      Would that all who call themselves Christian understand the truth brought forth in this sermon. May God help us and deliver us from self-centeredness. We need deliverance from Me-itis. May God cause the blind to see what is at stake here and what awaits us in eternity. Thank you so much for giving to us what we need.
    • Frank
      Great Sermon!
      What a wonderful message on the necessity of the incarnation and the necessity of the resurrection. This gifted pastor made those things so clear and easy to understand. Anyone who wants to understand these mysteries better should listen to this sermon.
    • Yolanda
      Great Sermon!
      John Pittman JSuch a faith bolstering message. Soooo precise and good for the soul.Thank you pastor Hey.
    • Dr. John Hey, George Whitten
      Reply to 'Anonymous Name'
      Again, the main focus of the sermon was not whether it is right or wrong to pledge allegiance - only that it is WRONG to force somebody to make a pledge against his own conscience.There's nothing wrong or un-Christian in loving your country, just so long as you are ready to stand up against it when it is wrong. The only person we can pledge allegiance to without reservation is the Lord Jesus, because He is never wrong, and He will never betray His loved ones.
    • Dino Nikolakopoulos
      Great Sermon!
      Thanks for this wonderful message about the Birth of Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I LOVE the LORD JESUS CHRIST,and I have been a child of GOD for almost 40 years.
    • Peter Egbujie
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you so much for this soul-lifting sermon. It made me to better appreciate the sorrow christ endured for our redemption. May God bless your ministry.
    • Nancy
      Great Sermon!
      This makes a good argument for exclusive psalmody. Because there are a lot of popular hymns these days that aren't biblical, aren't relevant, or else they're anemic. Thanks Pastor Hey.
    • Lela Ege
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you pastor. What a wonderful message. There is only one who can determine what is right and that is our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s what he thinks, what His word says. Oh how we try to justify ourselves...He is the one who stands between God and us. Our Great Redeemer. How Great Thou art. A Wonderful message.....
    • 5loaves2fishes
      Not to be missed.
      Better than "story", I should have written event .
    • 5loaves2fishes
      Not to be missed.
      I thought the October 21st sermon was a complete, stand-alone, model of explaining why the news of salvation is such good news -- until I heard the following week's sermon.Now I see, for the first time, why Jesus predicted (instructed) that this story will be re-told "wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world."
    • 5loaves2fishes
      What a contrast to cover-ups of clergy who molest.
      Your survey of the four Gospels to see Jesus touching children contrasts sharply with the scandals of sexual molestation of minors perpetrated by priests and other clergy. This might be the ideal sermon and selection of passages (esp. Matthew 19:13; Mark 10:13; Luke 18:15) with the strongest chance to put to shame any Catholic clergyman or Protestant preacher who has fondled or molested a boy or girl. Even better, it serves to positively inspire and exhort the rest of us that our hands can bestow good touches, our arms can encircle children in strong, comforting embraces, but it would be better to have our hands cut off than to use them to commit “bad touch” upon a child.
    • Bonnie Graham
      Beautiful preaching
      Beautiful reminders straight from the Bible of what our greatest joy in heaven will be: to see our Lord Jesus Christ and to be made like Him! Glory Hallelujah!
    • John Pittman Hey
      Reply to Marsha Fowler
      My remarks about Dr. King's worldview are based upon his writings and his speeches. He clearly denied the bodily resurrection, the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, and the substitutionary atonement. He is widely regarded as a "modernist" who did not accept or preach the gospel.He made it clear, in his preaching, that he had no hope of the resurrection, that all his hope rested in this life.I know that is disturbing, because Dr. King had many excellent things to say about justice, and accomplished many good things. That is why he stands as a tragic public example of the profound sadness of having no hope in eternity.