Greenville Christian Fellowship

Recent Comments
    • Judith L. Burgess
      The Gospel of John messages
      In listening to these messages again, I am so much more, dearly drawn to the Lord Jesus Christ. What a God; what a tender and personal way with each one He ministered to. As Pastor Cook tells us of Him, He becomes so real and intimate - touching my life right where I am. Praise to Him alone Who is most worthy...
    • Erica
      Powerful Truth
      I was in the service when this sermon was preached. I had to leave shortly thereafter and didn't have an opportunity to speak to Pastor Robert before I left. I wanted to say thank you to Pastor Robert for being willing to step on a few toes and to be very honest & open about sin. I wish to encourage you to keep on in this fear of the Lord; He will bless you with courage & boldness as you demonstrate your faithfulness to Him before men. I found the exposition on this passage very eye-opening. I come from a more legalistic cultural background and have seen a tendency in the people around me to use verses such as these to justify strict outward actions without actually changing their hearts. The question, "is it your hand that causes you to sin?" really got me thinking and understanding the passage more for what it was intended to say: your heart is the issue. Yet I also appreciated how this was balanced with the reminder that we ought to value purity so much that we are willing to do/lose whatever it would take to maintain that purity for he sake of our Lord. Thank you again!
    • Estie
      great sermon!
      great sermon, love the teaching style and analogies.
    • Greenville Christian
      Encourage you to listen to it
    • Odell Summer
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you Pastor Cook for preaching from your heart. I thought of John Wesley's words "When you preach if they can't see the tears in your eyes let them hear them in your voice." If I was not saved after hearing this message I thing that I would want to be. Love you pastor and love GFC too!
    • Pastor Randy Cook
      Great Sermon!
      Thanks for the feedback BarryThe audio has been changed to the Evening Service message.
    • barry kay
      not sunday eve service
      This is a repeat of sunday am service.
    • Tim and Anda
      Great Sermon!
      This was good to hear, Indeed the need to is to fully surrender. How far short of that we fall!Thanks for bring us back to the reason for surrender and not just the command to do so!