Copperfield Bible Church

Recent Comments
    • Suzanne Taylor
      Great Sermon!
      Tremendous message for difficult times.
    • Martha Taylor
      Great Sermon!
      Can't understand the people who make comments. I miss a lot because of this . I know if I were present I would be able to get what is being said. But I listen on Sermon audio. This is not a complaint but just a fact.
    • Nell
      Great Sermon!
      Very convicting. Preached from the Word through a pastor's heart. I found this very timely for a season of learning to make a commitment to a particular local church.If you love the Lord, if you love His Word, if you want to learn more how to love the lost and fellow sinners in the church, you must listen to this.. Jn 13:35
    • Various
      Great Sermon!
      This sermon really helped me understand what the Biblical meaning of prophet is and how I should be using the term! Thanks, Pastor Dan.
    • Neo
      Some very good teaching on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, and handy when the wacky cultists come a' knockin, or when engaged in a discussion with your barking pentacostal friends. There are some serious misunderstandings that abound about the third member of the Trinity and Dan really helps explain clearly, from Scripture, the important role that the Holy Spirit plays in the life of a believer.
    • Neo
      Very good answers
      The questions that are addressed are informative and consistent with the theme of Scriptural sufficiency, and I generally love Q&A sessions like this one. I was interested to hear the answers regarding the necessity of seminary for pastors, as I've had the misfortune of being in a number of churches with very poorly-trained novices who felt they could pastor just because "they read a bunch of books" or some such silliness. While not a necessity, sure, a seminary education makes for a pastoral leader who is going to feed good, rich food to his congregation each week and not just teach as a lark, and I've been burned enough that if a pastor of a church hasn't gone to seminary I'm very reluctant to lead my family there to follow his leadership. One other thought: the "Titanic/book" question was a clever one, and actually made me chuckle.
    • Neo
      Dan is one of the finest teachers I know of, rich with his understanding of the languages of Scripture. This message about Scriptural sufficiency was excellent.
    • Michael A Coughlin
      To God be the Glory
      This was really encouraging to me as a believer. I felt like I learned a lot and was put at rest in some ways by being exhorted to believe the scripture. But the depth of the meaning that you bring out is really excellent. May the Lamb receive the reward for taking a sinful son of Adam and causing him to preach such truth!
    • Chaplain59
      Great Sermon!
      Thanks Pastor Phillips for sharing this message. Needs to heard by the whole churc, especially here in the U.S.. And by me! Wish I had a written copy of it. Thanks for your faithfulness to the Word of God!
    • Neo
      Good, but...
      Good summary of the conference, but the listeners would be better served by listening to the actual messages from the conference, as this is just a summary of what the principal speakers talked about.
    • janine elizabeth
      Great Sermon!
      This was great and what a wonderful, clever idea as to being in guest speakers of old, dear brothers who have gone before us, to "preach" during your break season. Thank you.
    • Ken Wood
      Great Sermon!
      And Dan, you did o.k. too.
    • Michael Coughlin
      Great Sermon!
      Thanks, that is very helpful. I appreciate your constant focus on actually understanding what God said and not "what it means to me."You have opened my eyes to so much deeper teaching with your blog posts and when possible I listen to your preaching.
    • Michael Coughlin
      Great Sermon!
      Hey Dan, well done. I never have heard you preach, but I have read your writing.This was such a great explanation. It will be required listening for my wifey.
    • Dan Phillips
      Great Sermon!
      Hi Steve, thanks for listening. Fair point. The 'immah is pleonastic in 3:6 (less so in v. 12) if it merely means "in (general but non-spatial) relationship with her." You know? The pronominal suffix on le'ishah (to HER husband) already says that. So I take it as spatial, as the ESV does ("her husband who was with her"; cf. HCSB, NET, etc.). Hope that helps