Rob Clay

Rob Clay was raised in a Christian home and by God’s grace he came to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior at a young age. In 2002 he received a B.A. in Speech Communications from UT Arlington, Texas. Desiring to serve the Lord in ministry, he pursued an M.A. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas and graduated in 2005. During his education, he served in various Baptist churches in Texas. Providentially, God planted Rob’s family in Omaha, Nebraska in 2006 where he served as an assistant pastor at Omaha Bible Church. For the next eight years, his understanding of reformed theology was sharpened and refined through his studies among the eldership there. Through filling the pulpit for regional churches near Omaha, the Lord cultivated a strong desire in Rob to preach Christ and shepherd people in need of a pastor. He received the call to shepherd Imperial Bible Church of Imperial, Nebraska and served there for seven years. By God’s grace and care, Rob is now serving as a church planter of Sovereign Grace Baptist Church in Bonham, Texas. He enjoys spending time with his wife of 16 years and together exploring God’s creation with their five animated and zesty kiddos.