Aaron Lira

Rev. Aaron Lira serves as the Senior Pastor at Liberty Church, PCA, which began in September 2023. He received his A.S in Science from Elgin Community College (2003), his B.A in Bible and Pastoral Studies from Moody Bible Institute (2007), and his M.Div. from Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte (2010). He was ordained to Gospel ministry in the PCA in 2013 and has served PCA churches in Illinois and Pennsylvania. He also taught High School Bible in a PCA Christian School for five years, which has fueled his interest in the importance of Christian Education in an increasingly secularizing world. Prior to being ordained, he served as a Pastoral Intern of a Spanish-language PCA church plant in North Carolina.

Rev. Aaron Lira was born to two believing parents who were faithful in raising him in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. He first responded in faith to the Gospel at the young age of 5, and the Lord captured his heart for the centrality of the Gospel and ministry when he was 20 years old and in college. His relationship with the Lord deepened tremendously during this time as he was involved with campus and youth ministry, he developed a hunger for God's Word, and he began to study theology and apologetics (theology evangelistically applied!). This led him to sense a call to full-time pastoral ministry, which he pursued through Bible College and Seminary.

He enjoys exercising, spending time with people, reading widely, American muscle cars, great food, and road trips (when he has the time!).