Dr. David Terry

Dr. Terry has had an academic and pastoral career spanning 40 years having been ordained into the Christian ministry with the American Baptist Convention in 1977. He has extensive experience in both the full time and interim pastorates in greater Boston. Upon graduation from seminary David served as senior of the First Baptist Church of North Reading, MA. After completing his ministry there he entered a doctoral program at Boston University’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences where he concentrated his studies in church history. His extensive ministry to the sick and grieving led him to focus his scholarship on Christian suffering. His dissertation was entitled Martin Luther’s Understanding of the Suffering of the Christian. David has been an adjunct professor at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology, and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Terry holds a Masters of Divinity from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Boston University. He has published numerous academic articles on Baptist history and theology.