Glem Melo

Glem was converted from drug addiction and worked as a Computer Engineer in Manila, Washington DC, and the Silicon Valley. In 1998, he moved back to the Philippines and married Aymi, a college-mate and 700 Club Asia employee. For 17 years, with missionary co-laborers, he planted and pastored a church, taught more than 500 pastors, trained more than 100 missionaries, formed 2 church planting teams targeting Muslims, and facilitated the deployment of more than 30 missionaries all over Asia. Today, he leads and nurtures 3 church plants in different regions and trains 3 formerly-Pentecostal congregations. Glem is under the care and an intern of the Potomac Presbytery while in the M.Div. program at Mid-America Reformed Seminary. He hopes that, after his studies, he will be sent out by presbytery as a missionary to the Philippines and work with a team to (1) plant a faithful Presbyterian church in Manila, (2) establish a denomination, and (3) train and send missionaries to plant more churches all over the Philippines and among Muslims in Asia and beyond. Glem and Aymi has 3 wonderful kids: Yanan (boy), Giona (girl), and Rosh (boy).