Dan Broadwater

Dr. Daniel C. Broadwater: Former owner of Boone’s Billiards; was converted to Christianity. Attended Westminster Seminary (M.A., M.Div.). Later graduated from Gordon-Conwell Seminary (D.Min.). Dan is Pastor Emeritus of Grace Ref. Presby. Church, which he organized in 1979, and served for 38yrs. Dan’s doctoral thesis: “Getting Your Congregation Involved in Applying the Weekly Message.” Dr. Broadwater and his wife, Katherine, have four sons and seven grandchildren, all of whom live in the Baltimore, MD area. Besides guest teaching & preaching, Dan enjoys teaching English as a second language at GRPC, and serving as founder and president of Hearts for New Hope, a 501©3 non-profit charity, which provides support and education for the underprivileged in Liberia, Africa.