G. Brent Bradley

Pastor Brent Bradley is a native of Southern California; now a Tennessee native. He graduated from Bob Jones University in 1970; from Biblical Theological Seminary, Hatfield Pennsylvania, in 1973 with a M.Div. He was ordained in Pacific Presbytery (PCA) September 1974. He served as assistant Pastor, Calvary Presbyterian Church (PCA), Glendale, California 1973-1976. Organizing Pastor/Pastor Covenant Presbyterian Church, Bakersfield, California 1976-1982. Pastor Westminster Presbyterian Church, Kingsport, Tennessee 1982 until present. Pastor Bradley was married to Esther L. (Bunny) Mucher in 1970. He has 5 children, 9 and counting grandchildren. His articles have appeared in Counsel of Chalcedon, The Presbyterian Advocate, The Presbyterian Witness and Table Talk.