Jared Longsine

Jared R. Longsine was born and raised in Oshkosh, WI. His family did not attend church regularly, and it wasn’t until he was 23 years old that he was invited to attend a gospel preaching church. An evangelist presented the gospel there and he was challenged with where he would spend eternity. On that day, Jared trusted Christ as his Saviour.

He married his sweetheart Rebekah Sahlstrom in 2004. As a married man with children Jared was impressed to enroll in Wyldewood Baptist Bible Institute, a ministry of Wyldewood Baptist Church in Oshkosh, WI. During his time at the Bible institute he continued to serve Wyldewood Baptist Church in the college age and finance ministries.

Upon graduation from Bible institute he was ordained. He served faithfully in the capacity of College Age Director and Church Treasurer until early in 2013 when he was called to be the Assistant Pastor at First Baptist Church of Oak Creek.

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