Mark Falls

As a six-year-old boy, Pastor Falls was led to personal faith in Christ by his Dad. He was baptized at Bible Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa (BBC) and later sensed the call of God to full-time Christian ministry. His interest in the ministry was greatly influenced by the previous pastors of BBC, Sunday school teachers, Christian day school teachers, and the many guest preachers who visited. One influential guest was BBC Missionary Terry Jones, who served for more than twenty years in Costa Rica. When Pastor Falls was ten years old, he spent one month in Costa Rica with this missionary’s family. God used Bible Baptist Church to minister to this little boy in the 1980s. Pastor Falls earned the degrees Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Master of Divinity. He has also completed some work toward a Doctor of Ministry. He married Sherry in 2000. God has blessed them with three children. Before returning to pastor Bible Baptist Church in 2006, he served as an assistant pastor at Faith Baptist Church of Avon, Indiana.