Redeemer Reformed Church

Recent Comments
    • Bonnie Graham
      Excellent sermon
      Thank you for this "timely" message (pun intended). Thank you for reminding us that David Cassidy's last words were "So much wasted time". May that not be the case for any son or daughter of the Living God. Thank you for rebuking us for wasting so much time with smartphones,computers, TV etc rather than reading and praying and using the gifts God has given us to serve Him by serving others. We Christians in America are so guilty of throwing away the time God gives us in worthless pursuits. "Turn away my eyes from worthless things" (Ps 119:37). May God help me and all His children to repent and start redeeming the time in this new year. (And speaking of time, thank you for not being afraid to preach a long sermon. Long by our standards, not by our forefathers'.)
    • Carolina Speck
      Wonderful message!
      I appreciated the balance of challenge and hope in this sermon. Thank you Pastor Marinelli for your Christ centered ministry!
    • Tom Spengler
      Great Sermon!
      I can't wait for part two. This is thoroughly Bibilical and I pray that I would be bold enough to share this sermon with two of my brothers (in the flesh and in Christ) captivated by the modern Charismatic Movement. God bless you and your family, Reverend Kron.