Merrimack Valley Baptist Church

Recent Comments
    • Lisa
      Great Sermon!
      A 5 point discussion of the ascension of Christ.
    • Lisa
      Great Sermon!
      Pastor Larry gives his perspective on this scene in the gospel regarding Jesus casting out demons. He draws on his rich personal experience of the holy land. I was led to reflect upon Jesus speaking directly to the demon ( a practice that I had previously considered improper).
    • Lisa
      Great Sermon!
      Biblical historic back ground to the denials of Peter. Very interesting.
    • Lisa
      Great Sermon!
      I always find mr clouse really interesting. He has such a vivid historical biblical understanding of the text. Lovely sermon.
    • Lisa
      Great Sermon!
      Very good helpful message on love- a verb not an adjective. Really needed to hear this message Thankyou
    • Lisa
      Great Sermon!
      Thankyou for this sermon- I learned loads. I had never heard the theory that rev 4-5 refers to the church in heaven after the rapture before. I checked it out with John woolvord and yep his teaching is the same and I must have read around 10 books on the subject. Very helpful teaching !
    • Lisa
      Great Sermon!
      I loved this sermon- not sure if pastor clouse is a Jewish convert as he has a handle on the holy land.
    • BCM
      Dead on.
      Outstanding biblical perspective that marriage lasts "until death do us part"! The vow is never "until divorce do us part," though many pastors are very confused on this doctrine. Thank you Pastor Clouse!
    • Joelly
      Well needed Sermon!
      I enjoyed this well needed sermon. The only comment that troubled me by Pastor Larry was that he stated that Paul had been converted by Stephen's preaching?? I do not see that as we read Acts 7, 8 and 9. No where in our Lord's Holy Word are we are told that this is when Paul was converted.Other than that it is a sermon well needed for today with all the false teaching that is out there today.
    • Mark Kilgore
      Give it a listen if you feel you should.
      Rating: 7/10. I'm not sure if I agree 100%, but I can't see he made any contradictions of the Word.
    • Hank Hudson
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you for your enlightening studyon ACTS -- you've encouraged me tostudy ACTS more closely. I've beenborn-again for 20 years and I keeplearning and growing in Jesus. GodBless you and I'll listen to all yourstudies on this internet site.
    • Keith
      Great Sermon!
      For a while, I attended Merrimack Valley Baptist Church, and I became good friends with Pastor Larry Clouse. He is a great man of God who has not only spent much time in diligent study of God's word, but also abroad on the missionary field for many years.His sermon on charismaticism was excellent, as I came out of the Pentecostal/charismatic background. Pastor Larry has a heart for the truth and for expositional preaching, and in this sermon he has clearly shown how unbiblical, unscriptural, and ungodly the charismatic movement is, all the while balancing this biblical criticism with positive teaching of what the Bible DOES teach concerning these most important matters.Again, I cannot thank Pastor Larry Clouse enough for his personal friendship, guidance, and excellent teaching, preaching, profound love for Christ, for the church, a heart for the lost, and his overall Christ-like demeanor and joy.Keith,Freshman @ Harding University
    • Dick Hutchinson
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you for the simple and clear sermon on Body, Soul and Spirit that I have ever heard in a sermon format. I am 75 years old and a christian since March 8 1972 and during this time I have heard very few, if any, sermons on this specific topic The knowledge of this subject brings clarity to a subject that is misunderstood or unknown by so many I had gained much of my former information from the writings of Watchman Nee in his fine book The Spiritual Man. This sermon however brought it together in a simple and useful way. Sincerely Dick
    • plw
      Great Sermon!
      Pastor Larry has just hit the devil square between the nose!! Having come out of the word-faith movement, we know first hand that what he is teaching is pure truth. It is a false movement, it is demonic and we applause him for being bold enough to stand up for the truth to warn people. If people would read their Bibles and use their concordances and NOT go by the foot notes of some persons opinion, they'd see it for themselves. They are playing in the devils den and don't even know it. His sheep hear His voice and for those who are in this movement, you had better be on your knees earnestly seeking His truth. It is of the WRONG spirit. Study your Bible and you will see for yourself. They are wolves in sheeps clothing, they are false prophets coming with false doctrine. Lying signs and wonders. Miracle seekers. Name it claim it, health, wealth and prosperity bunch. Its ALL FALSE. Jesus tells you to beware and not to be deceived. Is this stuff real???? You bet it is. We were in this so called word-faith movement for years!!! How'd we get out or realize it was TOTALLY FALSE AND OF THE DEVIL?? We read our Bible and we prayed. We are His true sheep and we heard His voice!!! Follow up on that "check" that you keep getting. God bless you Pastor Larry!!
    • Susan Richardson
      Great Sermon!
      Pastor Larry's sermon was a great help in allowing me to better understand and edify my husband who comes out of the Pentcostal church. Since he is a truck driver it is hard for him to get to church.We attend a Baptist church but have not heard such a clear message about this subject. I hope soon he will be able to sit and listen to this sermon also. May God continue to bless Pastor Larry for his many years of faithful service.