Battles of the Bible
53 Sermons

This series was started back in 2019 and I am using it for my Wednesday night bible study.This series is about the military accounts from the invasion of Canaan by the Israelites under Joshua's command , through the conquest of the kingdom by David and Solomon and the split of the Kingdom into Judah and Israel , to the Maccabees successful rebellion against Seleucid domination.
The bible accuracy and descriptions of topographic conditions of the Battlefields.These battles are important to understanding the events of the Time, when the struggle for Independence and survival of daily life.The military campaigns and strategic and tactical lessons of value will be a teaching help for us today in society.The Biblical lands were fought over by competing societies­ Canaanites, Philistines, Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans-for more than two thousand years before the birth of Christ.

53 Sermons