Oceanside United Reformed Church

Recent Comments
    • Terri
      Great Sermon!
      Yes Father in heaven. Turn us and we shall be turned.
    • Terri
      A Great Nine Minutes Sermon!
      Very uplifting and encouraging.
    • Terri
      Short But A Good ermon!
      Thank you Daniel for getting to the point about seeking the face of God. Desiring him above all else is critical in the lives of Christians. Prayer according to the knowledge of God and his will is necessary.
    • Florin Motiu
      Very interesting presentation of John Owen's life and ministry. I liked the account of the speaker's discovery of John Owen and Reformed theology.
    • Mitchell Persaud
      Wished more of our Baptists friends hear this
      A clear concise and helpful sermon on baptism.
    • Sue B.
      Interesting Concept
      It was fascinating to hear which works John Owen created and what he was doing in his life when he created them. Busy guy. I was encouraged to hear Owen ended well (from man's view) with a growing church. I share this because I just heard from a learned sister that supposedly A.W. Pink spent the latter years of his life as a curmudgeon not attending any church at all and Luther ended his life nearly as a drunkard. I should check those facts first, I suppose before posting such. Anyway, how HUMAN these honored men really were. Lesson learned (from my dim witted view): sinners can write and yet God might still bless their work greatly. One very practical point you made which I'll mull over for a while is your exhortation that each teacher might try to USE EVERYTHING TWICE. Thank you for that suggestion. Brother, twice you made comments like, "Who would want to accept those kinds of calls to preach". I'm a nobody who knows NOTHING but what if I live in that city and it's that dark everywhere I look? I'd welcome the brave brother who'd dare come bring the light no matter how potentially dim.
    • Michael Spotts
      Great Sermon!
      I thought this sermon was as well as just about any I have ever heard, and I have heard thousands. Thank the Lord for a clear presentation of Christ's gospel and the right motivation to share it.
    • Thomas Sullivan
      Owen on the Subject of Mortification
      When examining Owen's treatise on the Mortification of Sin, it is interesting to note that he writes on this subject for another 32 pages in Volume 3 Book 4 chapter 8 of his work on Pneumatology. If Calvin is called the theologian of the Spirit, I wonder why Owen is not as well since he wrote over 1000 pages on the third person of the Trinity in two volumes.
    • Thomas Sullivan
      Good series of sermons
      This is another good series on Owen's work. Thanks for mentioning Thomas Manton's 3 sermons on Rom. 8:13. I will have to narrate them for this site as well. I have already done Owen's work (2 versions), but also Mortification of Sin by Stephen Charnock - works volume 5, and John Flavel - Method of Grace chapters on Mortification that are on Sermon Audio. The historical footnotes Pastor Hyde adds are instructive. By the way, as far as works of Christian Casuistry, Perkins is good, Baxter's Christian Directory as well, but not so well known is Pike and Hayward's Cases of Conscience 1775. May our Lord be forever praised!