Minsky Ministries

Recent Comments
    • gloria huerta
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you for your testimony. I was very encourage to keep going forward in my street ministry to the homeless in my city. May the peace of the Lord be with you and my jewish brothers and sisters around the world.
    • Dr. Barry Minsky
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you for sharing the fact that the sermons of Dr. Barry J. Minsky were a blessing to you. 200 of Barry's sermons are available on www.sermonaudio.com/minsky If you would like a copy of Barry Minsky's bio, I would be glad to e-mail it to you. Request BJM's bio to me at: [email protected] on Dr. Barry J. Minsky: http://www.musicaldrama.org/drbjm.htmlBarry faithfully served the Lord from the day the Lord saved his soul and called him to the highest calling--a servant of the Lord.
    • Lisa
      Great Sermon!
      Nice testimony !
    • Samantha M
      Great Sermon!
    • his daughter
      Great Sermon!
      Amen, thank you for a great sermon! May we keep our eyes on the gospel of Jesus Christ for there is NO other gospel, only lies from our enemy!
    • Thompson Road Baptist Church
      Easy Believism
      You sound much like J. Dwight Pentecost did in a Dallas Theological Seminary Class room 40 years ago. Good preaching
    • Tommy
      Great Sermon!
      Having your sermons typed out is a wonderful idea. It should be done for every sermon. What a great way to share God's Word preached.
    • Kailash Agnihotri
      Great Sermon!
      Thanks for so clear and well spake a sermon. I appreciate the unequivocal quality of the sermon. A recent experienceof sprained pain taught me what to believe about the pain endured on the Cross. Though I got over it by medicine, I realized the Cross took away all the pain as it does take away all sins, except both sin and pain entered the human race and few realize how cunningly deceiving is sin without pain that it caused on the Cross. A reminder!
    • T. Augustine
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you, brother for this sermon, but also for providing a transcript of it. What a blessing to be able to read our various brothers' preaching (as well as listen to it) on SermonAudio.com.
    • Lynn Thompson
      Great Sermon!
      Was a blessing to me and I needed a blessing!
    • BWS
      Searching Message
      This message could also be titled, "Are you really a Christian?" for it leads directly to questioning the terms in which anyone has "believed" (merely, not savingly) in Jesus.The speaker references one verse from Luke 14:26-33 in which Jesus plainly gives the terms of being his disciple, and thins the crowd, without which no one may be saved. Modern Christianity does not mention these terms! Chances are that MOST have not come to these terms! Everyone wants to keep everything they have (lifestyle), and all their dear relations ("family values"), or they will NOT follow Christ. The rich young ruler was offended and left. So will many others who claim to be sincere Christians when presented with Jesus' terms of being his true disciples.
    • Lory
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you for teaching God's truth, it's sad that most of the churches out there are milking down God's word. Barry you say the truth, thank you for leading me to christ and saving my soul. God's blessings!
    • Noel
      A Blessing!
      A great reminder of Who's in control of everything around us. May God grant that such sermon be preached more in our area of the world. We are wanting of sovereign grace preachers here, may God provide us for this need. God bless you Ptr. Barry Minsky.
    • Carl Halling
      Invaluable Sermon!
      If a believer had any every wondered what baptism symbolises, this invaluable sermon will put him or her in the picture. Baptism by immersion (the Biblical model) doesn't save (Dr Minsky makes that clear); but it's an important act of obedience nonetheless for its profound significance for the believer.