Knox Church Perth

Recent Comments
    • Janine Elizabeth
      Great Sermon!
      This is very good and resounded with my soul. Thank you.
    • Douglas
      Great Sermon!
      Thanks Paul. Top listening tip from Peter.
    • H Hudson
      Historical Sermon!
      This is an excellent short picture into Martin Luther's examination of the Holy Scriptures and his clash with the Roman Catholic Church. The essentials of the Holy Scripture that we as followers of Christ Jesus should be more familiar with and cherish that we have them available in the English Language. We need these types of historical insights to get strength in our walk with the Lord.
    • Floridahank
      Strong Sermon!
      Brother Paul does an excellent job presenting the Sovereignty of God in everything that takes place on this earth both physically and spiritually. If we simply give over our trust to accepting the fact that everything happens because God permits it, we can find peace that He will lead us, as His Children, to eternal peace in the final act of our life. We must have trust and pray that we can understand and accept all things that happens to us.