Hillsdale Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Recent Comments
    • Jane Handel
      Great Sermon!
      Thank for this sermon about Paul's Last Words. It is one that I will iisten to again and strive with God's help to live out. Thank you also for the time spent talking with Gary and I in November. It was a pleasure to get to know you better and to hear your wise counsel about the topics we discussed. Wishing you and your dear family a very Happy New Year 2019. What adventures and challenges lie ahead we do not know but as God's word says to us....He is always with us. Hoping to worship with you all again in the next year as we come back to Hillsdale for the various CCA's and possibly graduation.
    • Walter & Joy
      Great Sermon!
      It's always good to hear that though the church has its problems, it still consists of saints who are in Christ, called by God to holiness. Paul continues to encourage the Corinthians in that truth, despite their great sin.
    • diane
      Great Sermon!
      I just finished listening to both sermons. I am thankful to God for calling you and equipping you to feed the church. Some of this isn't always what part of me wants to hear - like Deo Volente, and I get to say that's ok however it turns out, and I also get to say, "Lord, this is what I want, nevertheless....." - but I really needed this. Thanks and God bless.