Grace Reformed Baptist Church

Recent Comments
    • Michael9
      Knowing Debt
      A sermon I will not soon forget! Paul was indebted to preach the gospel as we are to pay our financial debts. Excellent analogy.
    • Rachel
      Great Sermon!
      Yes, He is an ever present help in times of trouble and a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Yes, His grace is sufficient for us. Thank you brother Owen May God bless you and your family and your ministry!In Christ
    • James Johnson
      Jesus is my perfection!!!!!!!
      When I remember my sins and failure the imputation of Jesus perfections & righteousness brings real rest to my mind and heart! As I look at HIS perfection, I can relax from trying to be perfect and from the weight of self righteousness but simply be myself in HIM. If this is your struggle....... listen!!!