Sermons of Terry Dowds

Recent Comments
    • Katie Megee
      Poor recording
      The recording kept fading in and out and I was only able to understand part of what was said
    • Your friend
      The best Medicine for our souls
      The Lord knows what we need to hear and has blessed me with His Word this morning. He finds us where we are... Thank you for expounding the Word of our Lord for our healing and repentance.
    • Larry Phillips
      Great Sermon!
      This sermon was a tremendous encouragement to me. We need to be reminded of the efficacious power of the blood of our dear Saviour!
    • Larry, Rosette & Mark Phillips
      Powerful Message
      This is a must listen to all. Terry Dowds uses excellent Biblical proofs to show the absolute sovereignty of God!
    • Rasing Lazarus
      The Unvarnished Truth!
      This is an incomparable sermon on Ephesians 4:17-19. Revered Dowds has been gifted with the ability to reach into the text, pull out the meat, and feed to his listeners like pudding. There can be no clearer exposition of what it means to be unregenerate and walk in spiritual darkness. Oh that everyone could here this message and let it burn in their hearts. I am particularly fond of the comment that in our society today, most people would take greater offense at being called ignorant than they would at being called a sinner, or an unbeliever. This is a sermon for you to share with as many people as possible. Well done Reverend Dowds, may the Lord continue to lead you to faithfully preach His Word to the darkened world!!
    • FreeInChrist2
      Blessed the 1st time, Blessed again here!
      Only the Spirit whom gives gifts to men, by the Spirit of Truth, could lead a minister of His Word to scrutinize such an obscure introduction which opens 1st Samuel as appearing insignificant to the fleshly mind but truly significant with spiritual depth of meaning and understanding as to be a true blessing to all born of the Spirit of God, learned and unlearned, to the sovereignty of our God, the God of holy scripture whom knows the end from the beginning of whom His promises will never fail, to the praise of His glory. Thank You Pastor Dowds for this exposition and will be looking forward to drawing near to Christ as you exegete thru all of 1st Samuel. The Lord bless you!
    • Frank McClelland
      Great Sermon!
      Excellent sermon of the depths of God's knowledge. Terry, you are an expert expositor of the Word of Truth.