Grace Life Church

Recent Comments
    • SteveInClt
      Great Sermon!
      Pastor Jesse, Thank you very much for this excellent sermon! It's very inspiring and helpful for me in this dreadful fight against porn and sexual lust. Keep up the great work and may God richly bless you in every way, and especially with more of Himself!
    • Kull
      Wow! Every Christian should listen to this.
      Great sermon! Renember who is King!
    • Angie
      Great Sermon!
      These messages are so good! When will the series continue? It's been several weeks since a message has been added.
    • Lori Boyer
      Great Sermon!
      This really spoke to me Jesse. Thanks. I especially need to find my contentment in Jesus when it comes to my health:
    • Pastor Jon Speed
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you for an excellent sermon exposing this evil in our midst. May God bless you and your church with a harvest of souls and babies. Love ya, brother.
    • Helen
      Great Sermon!
      This is a wonderful message. Listening is a must. If you apply this message it will bring you closer to Yeshusa That is what we want right...?!
    • H Hudson
      Revealing and Strenghtening Sermon!
      In today's evil and corrupting world you cannot have enough of Jesus Christ in you and living in Him. Whatever you do, you have to measure it up as to where it stands with Christ Jesus only. There are some worldly temptations that may tell you that you need it to become more like Christ Jesus, but that is false and only will take you away from Christ Jesus. The way to stay strong is to study the Holy Scriptures daily, and whenever you're faced with a problem -- run to Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit will give you the Truth and peace. You cannot have too much Jesus Christ in today's hostile world.
    • H Hudson
      Strong Sermon!
      This messages gives us a form of a scale to judge which side we are accepting and living -- is it strictly from the Scriptural side or is from the world/man's side. There is only the Holy Scriptures that give us the Truth, and we should not take any man-made additions to know Jesus Christ closer. If we do our daily reading of the Holy Bible, we will see what is Truth.
    • H Hudson
      Revealing Sermon!
      This sermon gets at the roots of being a Christian. It makes you look at who Jesus Christ is to you. For many, it's only one's Savior, and doesn't get to how He must be your Lord also, if you fully are "born again." That shows when you walk with Christ Jesus with the Holy Spirit directing your walk and making a dramatic change in your daily life. Brother Jesse gives a clear, detailed picture of The Christian Life as it must be lived and shown.
    • Rick Swenson
      Great Sermon!
      This is among the best presentations of the Gospel! It is most profitable for believers so that our daily walk would be firmly established in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is “the most glorious truth in the universe, why you were created, why we gather, why we love others, our hope and our joy.” And of course, this message is critical for anyone who is unsaved, their very souls being one heartbeat from eternity. Pastor Barrington biblically and passionately preaches “Sin, which is mans greatest problem, and Jesus, who is mankind’s only hope.” He demonstrates from Scripture a right understanding of God, His holiness and His righteous judgment. And he presents a right understanding of man, our sin and our inability to do anything to make ourselves acceptable to enter heaven. Our only hope is Christ! And what did Jesus teach is the correct response to God’s free offer of salvation through the Gospel? Walk an aisle? Pray a prayer? Find out in this most blessed of sermons which leaves the hearer praising His name forever!
    • truly blessed
      Thank you !!
      Forgive me in advance if it comes off sa I am boasting on you, but I am not, I am boasting in the love of our Father has lavished on us and in doing so, I have to say THANK YOU FOR YOUR OBEDIENCE TO THE LORD to just preach His Word in its fullness. For standing firm and not being shaken, for the faithfulnes of your heart that is clearly shows the LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST throughout your messages. I'm not touched by my emotions, but more so by the TRUTH that is preached, consistently. I could continue, but I will not. this is what I see and I so LOVE IT, LOVE YOU & THANK YOU 2 Timothy 2:10 "Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory." TO GOD BE THE GLORY !!!!
    • Masis Markarian
      Great Sermon!
      I also thank the good Lord every time I remember u, may He give u wisdom n health so u can do His will
    • Bro' In Christ
      Fighting daily to keep Christ as our treasure...
      Great way to finish out the sermon!
    • Bro' In Christ
      Boldness & confidence to draw near to God...
      Love it! The gospel is AMAZING!!
    • Bro' In Christ
      The imputed righteousness of Christ
      one of the most infrequently taught and least understood doctrines in the bible...great job with the overview! This is indeed what makes the gospel GOOD news!!