Grace Baptist Church

Recent Comments
    • Andrew Vasel
      Incredibly Helpful
      Thank you for this. This was very helpful for me to listen to as I am preparing to teach this same passage. Your bold declaration in proclaiming the truth of this text is very much appreciated. Soli Deo Gloria
    • Nina Fosdick
      Great Sermon!
      Appreciated this sermon so much. Especially in regard to the Old Testaments validity for today. May God continue to bless your ministry.
    • Janine Elizabeth
      Great Sermon!
      Powerful. Thank you.
    • Donna Faucett
      Great Sermon!
      So many points hit the nail on the head with one swing. I plan to relisten and share with others. I don't understand how other people can argue these points. It's the Bible. A no-brainer!!! I was expecting Tim to end the sermon with *drop mic* and walk away. Sorry, he's too nice for that. But I did in my mind. 😇 Good stuff here!Truth of His Word.
    • sunny smith
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you, Pastor Ken...I really needed to hear that! Be Blessed!
    • Sunny Smith
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you, Pastor Goad, for the in-depth research you put in sermons. Even Nina said she told me about you sooner. I look forward to today.s preaching...da da DUN! Be Blessed! Sunny Smith
    • Carolyn Sutton
      Great Sermon!
      Outstanding teaching on church history. I hope this series will continue -- I'll be looking for it.I'm a member of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA, pastored by John MacArthur -- so I appreciate good teaching.Thanks!!
    • Anon1
      FYI-Prozac destroyed my life and my health forever. Zoloft also nearly killed me, causing me such confusion that i drove head on into an oncoming lane of traffic.When i later turned to Christ but was given Paxil, it was then i realized that while on it i could not hear the Holy Ghost, that the drugs numbed me to external stimuli and lowered my inhibitions, making me nonchalant or indifferent to sins. Psychiatry is nothing more than modern day witchcraft and yes, it IS a sin to take mind altering drugs, even when they are prescribed. That is why God gives His children the holy Ghost, to be able to discern right from wrong. All psychology is rooted in secular humanism and while they give lip service to the existence of God, an afterlife, and the soul, that is all it is, lip service. Many ppl are suffering from grief, lonliness, post trauma or abuse and don't even realize it, so they don't understand why they are depressed and don't know that it is normal to be depressed after having gone through unresolved grief/trauma,etc. Depression is a SPIRITUAL condition. The drugs will numb you to things, but they can never truly give you the happiness you seek.
    • 陈鸽 Larry Pan
      To Him alone be the glory!
      Thank you for this Bible-based and Christ-exalting message!