Free Presbyterian Church of Lee's Summit

Recent Comments
    • christina
      needs to be fixed please
      the audio is missing in many parts garbled :(
    • christina
      Great Sermon!
      glory to God. you have been greatly used. so blessed by this! in Jesus most precious amen and amen...
    • Toods
      Great Sermon!
      I have been a Christian for 37 years and in these last days I have been seeing a lot of sin not being dealt in the lives of some Christians by the leaders in the church. This not only derails the process of sanctification in the life of those believers because it is telling them that their behavior is OK with God when it is not but letting those believers believe their sin is OK because it is not being dealt with puts a stamp of approval of being OK to the rest of the church that it is OK to go about with their sin too. And they wonder why God does not bless their church. Thank you for this timely message! A great sermon I will be passing it on to many fellow believers!
    • B. McCausland
    • James L
      Very encouraging
      one of my favorites
    • S.
      Great Encouragement!
      This passage of Scripture is very helpful to those who are despairing that they have crossed the point of no return. This is the heart of our King, He forgives the vilest sinner. Though our debts are so piled up that they cannot be over looked, our King is long-suffering and full of tender mercies. I pray that I will keep this ever before my eyes, and I pray the same for anyone else who struggles with thoughts that God will not forgive. God reveals his heart in this passage, let's go after His heart!
    • Irene
      Great Sermon that gives a blessed encouragement!
      Thank you for this great sermon, it is such a great blessing to my soul. It touched my soul so deep in a strange time, felt like it was a sign for me, a message for me. I was having all these thoughts, was thinking who am I for the Lord to forgive, to listin to, or even to look at.. for I'm an awfully sinful girl & not deserving any mercy, not deserving that Jesus would lift my face up!I thank the Lord who I felt that He spoke to me through this great sermon in a time when I was so down & my soul was destroyed horribly indeed. Certainly He knows my needs & weaknesses.Thank you for this preaching. God bless you. Please keep me in your prayers always.
    • Trish Baker
      Great Preaching of Christ
      This message really gets to the heart of the chosen text. Not just preaching about the preaching of Christ but the genuine article. Who will not be satisfied with what they see when their eyes are director to the Saviour? Thank you for preaching this message so clearly and plainly.
    • Rev. David Mook
      Great Encouragement!
      Again, the Lord has used the ministry of Rev. Fineout to encourage my soul. Rev. Fineout's keen ability to apply the message of Scripture to the experience of his hearers is on display in this message. Spending the time to listen to it will be the means of reaping the reward of having the Word of God come alive with the revelation of Christ.
    • Wayne
      Great Sermon!
      This was a wonderful sermon-how much God loves me and the cause is Christ! Daily devotional was read later and exactly the same scripture...'We think He may perhaps have mercy, He may do a little for us; but as high as the heavens are above the earth, so are His thoughts above our thoughts; and His ways above our ways. His thoughts are worthy of a God. What are the promises? Only His thoughts put into our language. And what do they prove; Truly that He thought of all our wants, wishes, and desires, and made full provision for them.'
    • Wayne
      Great Sermon!
      This was a special providence as the Lord has graciously given me certain wonderful providences-the above sermon brought me to plead those promised expectations. The following day looking with expectancy and out of the blue I received the news that is a fulfillment of God's promise-praise HIM!Have emailed the church to encourage Mark!
    • J Sapieha
      Great Sermon!
      Powerful, inspired, timely, urgently needed message. Thank you Pastor Mark for faithfully presenting these terrible truths.
    • John Theien
      Great Sermon!
      Great message!Our kinsman, Jesus Christ, has come with open arms to restore the one that has turned his back. He restores them completely.
    • Paul Meyer
      Better and Better
      The series on Galatians is getting better and better. This sermon makes Jesus Christ's work as a mediator between God and me crystal clear. My wife made the comment that after listening to this sermon, that reading about all the things that Jesus did in the new testament is made more clear and precious when considered in the light of Jesus Christ's work as a mediator. If you are in the Kansas City area, I would certainly recommend visiting Pastor Fineout's church in Lee's Summit. The preaching is centered on Jesus Christ and I am always encouraged to draw closer to Him each week.