First Congregational Church of Woodstock

Recent Comments
    • M
      This sermon was an amazing blessing to hear and learn from.
    • Yolanda
      Great Sermon!
      Thanks be to God who has done wondrous things for us. He has given us a name which is a high tower for the righteous.There’s just something about the name Jesus. It is piercing to the bones and the thoughts of every man.
    • Kathleen Bryson
      Thank you Brian!
      I've listened to this message twice now, and twice is not enough. Thank you Brian for these insights from Romans on suffering. Your message was enormously encouraging, and the best perspective on suffering that I've heard. In fact, all the Romans messages have been fantastic. Gratefully from your California listeners,Kathleen & Phil
    • Pa
      I love this sermon
      This sermon is a great reminder of God's wisdom. I never once thought of compassion as the demonstration of wisdom. I always thought the two were separate, but now it's so clear. Such a blessing to hear this truth, and such a good reminder that God is love, and without love no one knows God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. To know God is to know love. And it is shown in the love of ourselves but the love of others expressed in mercy and compassion.
    • Phil and Kathleen Bryson
      Great Sermon!
      Yes Lord, for Your glory! Pour out Your Spirit we pray! Thank you that Your promises are Yes and they are AMEN!Thank you Steven Spaulding for another Christ-filled encouraging message! Brian's messages have been excellent as well! We continue to pray for all at FCCW and for your future work in Woodstock!Phil & Kathleen
    • Hank
      Great Sermon!
      Excellent insight into the huge waste of time watching TV. It's a habit that drains your opportunity to get closer to Jesus Christ -- what better reason to do so.
    • Mark McComas
      Great Sermon!
      Overwhelming sadness upon receiving the news. This past, March 2015, I found salvation through the words of Norman Koop. At a low point in my life Norman helped to establish and re-enforce my faith in God.
    • Steph Karner
      Heart broken
      Derek and I were shocked to learn the news of our beloved Pastor! Norm married us June 19, 1999 and we grew to love hearing his amazing sermons more and more. He was a huge influence in my Christianity and I'm so grateful for what he has taught me. We loved being to attend when our work schedules allowed. My heart is so heavy for Anne and the family!! Thank you Norm for all you taught me and blessing us in your church as husband and wife. Peace and comfort to you Anne and your kids. Much love , Steph and Derek Karner
    • Jean Philippe Pontat
      Great Sermon!
      Great tool to help the Saints standing in these difficilt time...
    • John Deledonne
      Excellent teaching!!!
      An excellent teaching on justification & how it relates to the Law. So simple & clear & understandable! Havn't heard such in quite a while. Very refreshing to me. May the Lord continue to bless you with His Spirit.
    • Andrew
      Great Sermon!
      Another AMAZING sermon/lesson from Norman Koop! Thank you so much, Norman. The series on Satan has been AWESOME, & gets more exciting with each sermon. Keep up the great work. In Christ, Andy (Brisbane, Australia).
    • Andrew
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you Norman. Your love for the brethren comes through particularly powerfully in this sermon. The Holy Spirit opened my understanding further through your words and love. Thank you.
    • SEI
      Great Sermon!
      Can you provide references to your assertion that the Roman Catholic Church was engaged in a "land grab" from married early church priests? Also, is singleness (i.e., celibacy) somehow the cause of sexual perversion? Where is this in the Bible.
    • Vernon
      Great Sermon!
      Just found Pastor Koop on sermonaudio! Praise God!
    • Jeannie
      Great Sermon!
      Excellent delivery and insightful. Thank you! Merry Christmas!