FBC Wheeling

Recent Comments
    • Listener in ga
      Great Sermon!
      Keep praying! Be encouraged! God is using you. Good sermon!!
    • Julie
      Great Sermon!
      I just listened to this and actually listened to the 1st part again before going on to the 2nd part. I loved it as I do all your sermons. Sorry I missed the past 2 weeks, lot going on with the kids being gone, and I'm just in a zone!!! Going to listen to yesterday's sermon later this evening. I always feel better after hearing a good sermon and I can always count on you to deliver one!!!
    • Wesley Massey
      Good Sermon!
      Thank God and you that serv him! Well studied and delivered
    • Julie
      Great Sermon!
      Thanks, Pastor for a great sermon! I haven't been reading my Bible as much as I should and have been losing some of my salt. I feel so refreshed after listening to this. I have no way to church again this morning but look forward to listening to today's sermon this evening. I know now, without a doubt, that even if I can't physically get to church on Sunday I can listen to your sermons and be transported their mentally and emotionally. It does my spirit good!!! Thank you, and so many others in the church, for being the salt when I needed it and for continuing to be the salt that I need. I really got a lot from this sermon and especially the getting bored with church, which I never do when at WFBC. I do however need to keep the excitement that I first had when beginning this journey with you all and more importantly with Jesus. Life for me gets crazy and while I still turn to God and trust in Him, I don't get so excited anymore. I think I'm going to start listening to these sermons more often and the Bible study sessions. As I said before, it does my soul good! Thanks again for everything. Take care, God bless and hope to see you all soon!!!