Escondido United Reformed Church

Recent Comments
    • W
      Great Message
      Thank you for this wonder series- very encouraging and insightful, not to mention spot on!
    • Jake
      Great Sermon!
      Very clear and helpful exposition!
    • Ann Carter
      Great Sermon!
      Dr Godfrey - I have just listened to your sermon 'Reformed Today', I listened twice and wrote down every word. I have been searching for a theme for a book that I am writing about moving from South Africa to the USA. It suddenly dawned on me that your statement that the Biblical Refomed Faith is not sentimental but tough because we live in a tough world. We are in the now and the not yet. That is the theme I would like to use for my book. I do not want to plagiarise your sermon but I want it to be the background for the reason God's providence has given me the life that He has. If I quote you, I will do all the correct literary things by acknowlege your words and send every word of yours that I use for your permission. I also do dot want to misquote you are use anything that you said in a way that you did not intend. I do not want to take up your busy time but I just wanted to run it by you and of corse Sola Deo Gloria. Ann Carter, Dallas, TX
    • Julian Hudson
      Great Sermon!
      Excellent sermon. It is a real shame that so many in the CRC are no longer observing the Sabbath as they once did. The Sabbath Day is indeed a precious and ongoing gift of God to His covenant community.
    • Doug VanderMeulen
      Great Sermon!
      This is wonderful sermon. Sadly, even among the Reformed, there has been a growing lack of appreciating the significance of the gift of God to his church. The congregation whose ethos was a living expression of this view of the Sabbath would truly be something to experience. This sermon isn't the typical polemic for the Lord's Day. It is sound exposition grounded in a truly covenantal understanding of creation, life, and salvation delivered with the kind of pastoral oversight that only a mature shepherd can bring to the sheep he loves. True reformation and revival begin here, that is with a God given understanding of the Sabbath like this.