Providence Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Recent Comments
    • Rev Dr R E Knodel, Jr
      Great Sermon!
      Listened to this message some weeks ago and am still finding delight in it. Coppes is unique in all the questions he asks of a passage, and all the light he brings forth! Thanks so much!
    • Karen Wilder
      Great Sermon!
      This is an excellent sermon with sound Biblical counsel on how to patiently wait on the Lord in hard times trusting in His sovereignty and providence. This 2007 sermon is even more meaningful in 2012 as the economy was just turning bad in 2007. To be honest I thought it was slightly humorous that the pastor was saying how difficult it was being out of work for 6 months several years ago. Take that difficult trial and multiply it by another 1 or 2 years or more being out of work as is common the last couple of years and than you have some idea of how many believers are being tried.
    • Florin Motiu
      J. Gresham Machen.
      A message about J. Gresham Machen's struggle with Liberalism, especially with the teaching of his teacher Wilhelm Herrmann. Machen comes to understand that Liberalism is not a variety of Christianity, but something different than Christianity.
    • Florin Motiu
      Refutation of NPP errors.
      Good refutation of NPP views on first Century Judaism, on the works of the Law and justification. Good biblical arguments. I turned to these messages of Dr. Venema at the recommendation of Kim Riddlebarger in his series on NPP. I am studying the subject because in Romania some Baptists translated one of N.T. Wright's books. It is a new thing here and evangelicals here need to be warned against.
    • Florin Motiu
      Good introduction.
      Good introduction to the theology of N.T. Wright, with reference to E.P. Sanders. A summary of NPP: it is a redefinition of first Century Judaism; a redefinition of the problem Paul addresses in Galatians and about the role of the Law; a redefinition of justification.
    • Rev. Shawn C. Mathis
      Great Sermon!
      I've got the other lectures up. Hodge is a breath of fresh air in today's stifling theological climate. Go to and find more works by Hodge and the old Princeton review (The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review ).Take care.
    • Thomas M Sullivan
      Great Sermon!
      Thanks for uploading this again, with a little better sound quality. I was listening to this yesterday and was interested in the differences between Hodge and Thornwell, but couldn't hear the lecture very well. Hodge is too little known in our day. I have a great respect for the earlier Princeton Theologians though I am a Reformed Baptist. I used to sit in the library of Calvin Seminary years ago and read the Princeton Review and found the articles so interesting. For example, his comments of Finney's new measures, or his review of Leonard Woods' Prize winning essay on Total Depravity. Please - if you have them - give us the lectures he did on Edwards and Machen as well!
    • Howard Douglas King
      Great Stuff!
      Thank God for this series on the Federal Fog! Strange has neither under-reacted nor over-reacted to the doctrinal aberrations of the Shepherdites. No one else has so well demonstrated the thoroughly unbiblical nature of the Federal Division theology. Thank you, Dr. Strange, for faithfully warning the unsuspecting sheep of Christ.
    • A Christian
      Great Sermon!
      This is one of the best lectures I've heard critiquing the Federal Vision. Thank you, Dr. Strange.