Church of Christian Liberty

Recent Comments
    • Calvin Lindstrom
      Answer to Question
      JD Saved by Grace: Good question. Here is what I stated in my sermon: The Pharisees claimed to be defending God’s truth and yet their words were worthless and would lead to God’s judgment. The words of the Pharisees here were not simply a slip of the tongue. They were worthless and false words for which they would stand in judgment.And so you must, of course, be careful in the words which you speak, but I don’t think that Jesus is saying here that on the day of judgment you will have to give an explanation for every single foolish thing you have ever said. What would you be able to say in response to the multiplied thousands of foolish, hurtful, ridiculous, untrue, and irreverent things you have said throughout the course of your life? But Jesus’ words here of course do contain a wealth of personal application, for we will one day stand before the judgment set of Christ as Paul says in both Romans 14:10 and 2 Cor. 5:10. We will stand before the judgment seat of Christ so we must guard our words and our other actions. Although the believer knows that on the day of judgment he will never stand on the basis of his own righteousness, the realization that we will stand before Jesus Christ should be the greatest known incentive for holy living.
    • Bob R
      Great Sermon!
      I've been wanting to live out Phil 4:8 more in my life. As a man thinks in his heart, so he is- There is no rubric for how to meditate right. Read the word, prayer, and think,so as to apply = spiritual prosperity. I liked the false views of meditation that are so popular today.
    • Follower of Christ
      Great Sermon!
    • Sid
      Great Sermon!
      Be careful America. Last night the politicians in our New Zealand government voted for the legalisation of homosexual marriage.The vote was 77 for and 44 against.Even though the majority of the country was against this bill the politicians did not care. The scary thing is that we have in power what's known as a centre right government. It's hard to believe our nation that was founded on Christian principle has sunk so low. May God have mercy on us.
    • Dan Harmon
      Great Sermon!
      I like this guy.
    • Florin Motiu
      Lessons in love.
      The source of love is God; in relationship with us, God is the one who initiates love; God's love is most clearly seen in sending His Son to be a propitiation for our sins; we must respond to this love by loving one another; and love gives assurance.
    • Konstantin
      Great Sermon!
      Peter is a great fighter for truth!And his sites is about as much for adults as what happens on street corners is for adults. He draws his images from public sites or from what happens under the sun on city streets. So if you think his site is adult rated, you should be alarmed, because this things happen on city streets. Guys walking naked/semi-naked.. etc.If you have a problem with his site, you better have problems with homosexual activists.
    • Angela Wittman
      Helpful Resource!
      Americans for Truth can be a helpful resource for parents. It is a Christian ministry and is not x-rated. Parents may want to supervise their children and teach them what God says about the sin of sodomy. Let's pray this perversion is stopped soon as it destroys lives.
    • Sheryl Nelaridi
      Warning - Americans for truth is XRATED
      This is not a christian site so be careful. There is a lot of imagery, research, etc. that is not for children, or some adults eyes. Be careful as you journey here. Peter is very caught up in this lifestyle but not all people will want to become part of this world.
    • Florin Motiu
      Characteristics of a minister.
      A minister must have a calling from God, a fear of God and must walk with God. He must preach the Word of God. The effects of his ministry will be that many will be turned from sins.
    • Robert
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you for this wonderful message!May God continue to bless your church ministry!