Christian Fellowship Church

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    • Matthew 15:7-9
      Great sermon ! I bet you all do have Gods grace working in your hearts! I love when people from the church want to serve even in simple ways and when that is encouraged! Not a lot of churches do this, they mostly reserve spots for their friends and family and take any and all service opportunities and pollute them with nepotism , even the most minute task can turn into to something’s a good thing people still live by the truth they claim to believe . I hope to visit you guys someday ! You sound like really solid church!
    • JROCK
      Great Sermon!
      I dare say that Romans 4 teaches us that old testament saints like Abraham were added to the body of Christ the church, at Pentecost.
    • JROCK
      Great Sermon!
      I would dare say that Romans 4 is teaching us that the old testament believers like Abraham were added to the body of Christ, the church at Pentecost.
    • JROCK
      Great Sermon!
      I would like to know your view on ecclesiology. I agree that the church began at Pentecost. But what about the old testament saints? Do you think that the deceased o.t. saints in heaven were added to the universal church at Pentecost? At the Spirit's baptism? As a historic premillennialist I believe in one redemptive plan of God and one people of God.
    • JROCK
      Great Series!
      I certainly enjoyed listening to this series of eschatology from a historic premillenial point of view. Sad this series has now ended. Something that I don't recall you teaching is how do you view the series of judgments in the book of Revelation. I'm referring to the seals,trumpets and bowls judgments. Do they occur in linear fashion or do you view them as recapitulating? Also, have you thought of studying the book of Revelation now that this series has ended?
    • Stephen Sherman
      In response to the previous question, I believe grace giving has replaced tithing, and is a heightening of giving compared to the Old Covenant. For example, the motive is heightened to "God's inexpressible gift." Grace giving is one element of New Covenant worship, which is a heightening of Old Covenant worship. The essence of New Covenant worship is the presentation of our bodies as living, holy sacrifices. Such worship is again motivated by "the mercies of God" (Rom 12:1).
    • JROCK
      Good Message On Giving
      Would you say that grace giving has replaced tithing? Or is tithing still required for the New Testament church?
    • Stephen Sherman
      Recommended reading
      In response to the previous question, historical premillennialism is ably taught and defended in Wayne Grudem's, "Systematic Theology." It is also taught in George Eldon Ladd's Revelation commentary, "A Commentary on the Revelation of John." The "already" and "not yet" aspects of the kingdom are taught well in Thomas Schreiner's, "New Testament Theology," part 1, "The Fulfillment of God's Saving Promises: The Already-Not Yet." A briefer but excellent treatment is the chapter on the Kingdom of God in John Frame's, "Systematic Theology." For the relationship between Israel and the church, I recommend the section on Romans 11 in John Murray's commentary, "The Epistle of the Romans."
    • Stephen Sherman
      The role of an evangelist
      In response to the previous question, the term "evangelist" is used several times in the NT. Philip was an "evangelist" (Acts 21:8). Eph 4:11 lists "evangelists" with apostles, prophets, shepherds, & teachers as people given to the church for the equipping of the saints for ministry. Paul told Timothy in 2 Tim 4:5 to do the work of an "evangelist." A biblical evangelist is someone like Philip who is specially gifted and active in proclaiming the gospel to unbelievers. This does not deny that every Christian is called to evangelize. When people are saved under the ministry of an evangelist, the evangelist has a responsibility to lead them to become incorporated into a local church.
    • JROCK
      Great Series!
      I'm following this series on eschatology. Can you recommend me some books or website defending Historic Premillennialism, the already and not yet kingdom of Christ, and Israel and the church?
    • JROCK
      Great Sermon!
      A good message about missions and church planting. Can you tell me what exactly is the role of an evangelist? In some churches the "evangelist" basically goes from church to church to preach to Christians, hoping to bring revival to that local church. Is that biblical?
    • JROCK
      Great Sermon!
      Another excellent study on the return of Christ. Two good commentaries on the book of Revelation from a historic premil perspective is:1. Revelation by Grant R. Osborne2. Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches by James M. Hamilton Jr.
    • JROCK
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you for this message on the signs of the Second Coming. I have also struggled to see a literal temple in 2 Thess. 2:4. It is referred to as the temple OF GOD. We know that animal sacrifices ended at the cross. So any return to animal sacrifices and temple worship would be adding to the cross. So my question to dispensationalists would be in what sense can the tribulational temple be called the temple OF God? I know you will be discussing the rapture and the millennium in future weeks. My question to you is who will populate the millennium in mortal bodies if the rapture occurs at the second coming and the wicked are destroyed? I have given it some thoughts and have a possible answer without including the wicked entering the millennium.
    • JROCK
      Great Sermon!
      I enjoyed listening to your message on Israel and the church. I'm not a dispensationalist neither do I hold to a replacement theology. I believe that Israel will have a future restoration and that the NT church was started at Pentecost. But I also believe that Israel and the Church will become one people of God in the eternal state.
    • JROCK
      Great Sermon!
      I am enjoying this series of messages on eschatology. But I do have a few questions for you.1.Do you believe that the great tribulation is a past or future event? I ask because it appears that this event was not discussed as of yet in this series.2. You said that Jesus is already ruling from David's throne. Are you then an amillennial or progressive dispensationalist?3. Will the rapture of the church be discussed with the resurrection of believers?God Bless!