Calvary Baptist Church

Recent Comments
    • Murray Cunningham
      Great Sermon! Just what we need confirmed
      I love your honesty and message. So timely!
    • Wayne
      Needed That
      Thanks .. I really needed that. It was great
    • Carl E
      Great Sermon!
      My second time listening to this sermon and it really is so powerful. What incredible faith in such trials!
    • Joann Gibson
      Great Sermon!
      I have listened to this message a number of times and find it very encouraging. Much of it is written on my heart. The Lord reminds me of its message when in a challenging trial. I am now better equipped to be of encouragement.
    • Daniel Lockridge
      Wow! What a wonderful sermon!
      I haven't heard very many sermons on the Holy Spirit, but I tell ya, this is by far my favorite! What great biblical truth and great Spirit driven, godly motivation that is given here! I was amening all the way through and it only got better as time went on! Had to share! Lord bless!
    • Forrest McPhail
      Great Sermon!
      Very simple, practical, and illustrative message for people of all ages on this important topic that effects us all!! This brother sets forth physical and spiritual realities for us to consider.
    • Avelina Garcia
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you for being on line. While listening to part 2 of this message, my eyes were literally opened to the truths I've heard my whole life growing up. I will pray for you and your ministry to continue to encourage me and anyone else who doesn't have a home church. God Bless You, Pastor Dan and your Church family.
    • Avelina Garcia
      Great Sermon!
      Pastor Dan. I enjoyed your sermon and would just like you to know that you have been an encouragement to me in my life, and if I lived in Midland, I know I would be a member of your church so I could have fellowship with what I believe are Christians who love the Lord and are on a mission until they are called home to be with Him. I am struggling with my walk with God, but refuse to give up! Thank you so much for being on radio on Sundays when at work I attend your morning services reguraly, and on line where I can hear messages and teachings that help me. God Bless You, and your Church Family.