Evangelistic Outreach Ministries

Recent Comments
    • Samantha M
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you Pastor Evans for this encouraging messages. God Blessed you Brother, these words are of great comfort. For the Lord sees and has not forgotten us during our hard times! Amen.
    • Jason Helper
      Great Sermon!
    • Mrs Grosse
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you for your sermon my husband Adam and 3 others are serving and sharing the Gospel. We listen and study together for his sermons. God bless your Christmas and New Year!!God Bless America!
    • Bobby williams
      Great Sermon!
      I love listening to your messages.. as a young pastor you give a lot of encouragement to me to keep striving and learn as much as I can. In this sermon you gave mention to the picking of the sacrifice by the sheep that entered into the narrow gate.. I can’t find any history in this I was wondering if you could give me a source where I could go study this out and learn more that was really interesting to me. Thanks
    • Robert Wesley Baumgartner
      Great Sermon!
      Haven’t heard a great sermon like that for quite a spell.
    • Charles Smith
      Great Sermon!
      Ecclesiastes has long been a favorite book in the Bible. I wanted to hear of getting older and the Biblical answer. What I got was far more. I was saved, born again in 1976. I'm 62 now and I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in April. Monday I had surgery to completely remove it and the lymph nodes. Wednesday I was told it had not migrated any farther and it all looked good. I wasn't fearful but rather daily walking with Christ so I was happier for family andfriends friends. As I got up this morning I had this in my heart and decided to find a sermon on the subject. I feel the Lord gave it toyou me and I took notes throughout. A tremendous subject, well preached on Easter Sunday. May God bless.
    • Darren wright
      Great word beother..good friends of grave lowe
      Graice said yall done a news letter would love to get it.
    • Minister Derrick Mitchell
      Great Sermon!
      Thanks for Preaching and Teaching
    • Scott Porter
      Great Sermon! Message for our day!
      If there was ever a message needed for our day and time it is this message. Thank you Bro. Cal for being obedient.
    • Jamey Pack
      Great Sermon!
      What an awesome message brother Evans. If you ever get to middle Tennessee I'd love to have you preach at our church. (931-205-8303). That's probably the best message I've ever heard and I've heard some great ones.
    • Ron Thomas
      Great Sermon!
      I like the message. I’m a fan of Hoy’s father, Roger, also.
    • Jason Helper
      You are a true preacher of the Gospel
      Without you in my life, I would have a hard time sifting through all the messages. I read the Bible with the Holy Spirt with me, and after many years now, you are the only true Preacher I know through the reading and understanding that the Holy Spirt has taught me when I would read the Word and ask The Lord Jesus to let me have understanding with the Holy Spirt to know the Words that the Father had Spoken. You are a very Blessed man to have this true knowledge that can only come through the Lord Jesus and the Spirt himself from the Holy Father. Amen and Amen
    • Lisa
      Great Sermon!
      Good message. Find it difficult to listen when preachers scream message- although I understand how emotionally upsetting the content is.
    • Cal 99
      Great Sermon!
    • Wendy
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you for preaching this sermon!