Biblical Restoration Ministries

Recent Comments
    • Lolly Ellis
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you so much for your messages. Virginia prayers for Israel and it's people. God is with you His beloved people. No power can destroy Israel. God will NOT let that happen and NOTHING EVER can destroy the Jewish spirit that stands fast and forever together.
    • Robin
      Powerful Word!!!
      My spirit leaped upon hearing this word, this word is timely and anointed for such a time as this! “Wash your mind with The word of G-D” wow!!! I learned so much, thank you Bro. ❤️
    • Serita S
      Such a Great Sermon!
      Great sense of humor. Glory to God. God bless both ministries.
    • P J Gordon
      Encouraging testimony!
      Thanks for sharing, my stepdaughter is doing an internship with the Navigators in Dundee, Scotland. I pray that God will use her to share the Gospel, so people can come to know Jesus and have a personal relationship with God.
    • Marcus G
      Great Sermon!
      Great teaching. Some really good points that need to be seriously considered. A great remedy at the end too - which is clearly in the text, yet so easily missed!
    • Janine Elizabeth
      Great Sermon!
      I've often heard people say that Jesus never said anything about homosexuality as sinful. Jesus Is the second Person of the Godhead , and this Godhead is responsible for Leviticus and the prohibiting of homosexual behavior or lifestyles. In addition, the preincarnate Christ was there for the destruction of Sodom and G. Why would Jesus need to broach a subject to Israel when they already knew God's standard on it. Paul was ministering to gentiles who were totally ignorant of God's Word on the subject as they didn't have God's word.
    • John J.Johnston Jr.
      Great Sermon!
      The thing i don,t understand is if it caused God pain in His heart pre-flood because of sin and in lev.-20 under Mosaic law post-flood if a man lays with another man as with a woman the penalty was death for both of them. Would it still not be wrong and sinful even though we are now under GRACE AND NOT LAW.We don,t kill two men who are in a homosexual relationship today but the pain God must feel about that sin must be the same God never changes. Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. I see it as part of the curse of sin and death and decay.A mutation of our genes and DNA. The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth and He has made it absolutely clear to me that it is a sin.One of the spiritual truths for woman as they mature in faith is to dress modestly but in these gay pride parades neither men or woman are dressed modestly.Besides that i thought we were to be moving to a humble maturity not pride.Speaking the truth in love.
    • Angelica
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you!
    • Florin Motiu
      I found in this message helpful things for my soul.