Berean Free Presbyterian Church

Recent Comments
    • MIchelle Holloway
      Great Sermon!
      Thank you very much for this sermon. It changed my life.I am grateful for your wisdom in God in order to ministerInto my life as well as the many other lives you will reach with this sermon. I bless you in the name of The Lord.
    • Heshimu Colar
      Good message on use of law!
    • Mary Frances Hastrich
      Great Sermon!
      Bro. Owen,Thank You for the above message. Your sermons always encourage me to walk more closely with my Lord, Jesus Christ.Sincerely,A former "Western New Yorker" now living in Arizona
    • Nancy
      Great Sermon!
      This sermon touched my heart and made me realize my sinfulness. I am glad I had the chance to hear this.
    • Samantha M
      Excellent Sermon!
      A very good sermon, indeed!
    • jersey hudson
      Great Sermon!
      dear ,mr.moody i really like your sermons . i thinkyou have put a lot of time into your sermons and speeches ....from jersey
    • Scott
      Very good sermon
      makes me think of Job as He had it all and then it was gone. He still worshipped GOD! I in my own life find that in the times when GOD has removed everything and gotten the world out of the way then HE begins to speak again and in such a way HE can not be mistaken or misunderstood! What a wicked gospel these prosperity, word faith, name it claim it preachers teach. Misleading millions whom I suppose dont want to hear the truth anyhow but to heap to themselves this sort of teacher! GOD BLESS keep preaching the truth!
    • lindell dunning
      A God honoring sermon indeed
      Friend, It is a joy to my old calloused heart to hear a sermon of this magnitude. For me,the greatest principle of honoring Our Lord and His creation is found in Jude 8-10. If an archangel won't speak evil of Satan,what kind of a disciple of the Lord would think that he was greater in knowledge and wisdom that he would disdain so many of His servants?
    • Rev. Joel Pankratz
      Great Sermon!
      I thank the Lord for putting this word in Brother Owen's heart! I recommend this simple God-centered message to any pastor or people trying to establish a faithful, Bible believing and Christ honoring church in our day. He deals with the reasons why we would be afraid or would despise the day of small things and then gives helpful answers from God's Word to correct our vision and rejoice in Christ!
    • Phillip A. Jones
      Great Sermon!
      Dear Mr. Owen, thank you indeed for your the sermon audio/video 'The Presidential Election', 09/11/08. I have been reminded, Ephesians 1:11. In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. Romans 9:15. For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. (18). Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
    • Cindy Toolsie
      Great Sermon!
      This sermon really touched my heart in a big way. Excellent and wise Berean teaching here! GOD BLESS YOU. Cindy
    • Wayne
      Great Sermon!
      An unusual sermon dealing with some aspects of sleep and of course it is God who giveth his beloved sleep, but how often do we take thought that almost one third of our life is spent sleeping? How glad we are that God is in control! I was drawn to this as I have not been able to sleep for months and may have to go into hospital for tests. Even sleeping tablets don't work so I am most weary yet I trust my Sovereign God who worketh ALL things for my good!!
    • S Mackenzie
      A kindly and concerned exhortation
    • Arthur
      Great Sermon!
      A timely warning of our times of decadence and disobedience. Even in the comparitively short time between 19th - 21st centuries, we can publically and very obviously identify the terrible decline of spiritual, ethical, lawful and moral standards in our society. Signs of the times which the Christian should be perceiving, and the preacher proclaiming. Be aware and warned of the very judgement of the Lord in Scripture! Thankyou Rev. Owen.
    • Bob Lynch
      Great Sermon!
      Dear Pastor Owen:I downloaded your tape on Homosexuality.I am afraid for many of the homosexuals...especially when their Alliance chose Jerusalem for parades and festivities....As a point in your is punishable ...and, I fear for them. MSNBC....Bravo...with corporate America financing ...(Not excluding Ford and Microsoft)one may view it with a wink. But, I`m grateful for your adherance to Scripture.God relies on His faithful servants. Please accept my thanks...Bob Lynch, a WV mountaineer