Answers in Genesis Ministries

Recent Comments
    • Fowler
      Great Sermon!
    • Mike
      Truth matters
      As it was in the days of Noah. Living as prophecy is unfolding before our eyes makes for interesting times.
    • JD Saved by Grace
      Great Sermon!
      There is no way I would leave Heaven if I’d ever been blessed to enter in. No way
    • Lela Ege
      Great Sermon!
      Here it is 17 years later and this message is so very important...this must begin to be taught in our Sunday school classes and our pulpits..and in our vacation bible school classes that are open to the public... it starts with us.... we must teach this from the Beginning... Genesis... thank you 🙏🏼
    • Jennifer Mason
      Great Sermon!
      Why aren’t there human beings encapsulated in fossilized form like the animals and the trees during the Flood?
    • Alvin Blok
      Great Sermon!
      The penalty for Adam's sin is death into the world. If the earth and rock layers containing fossils are millions of years old then this means there were millions of years of death before Adam sinned. Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for sin, and death before the Adam's sin undermines the gospel.
    • Diana Nordahl
      Great Teaching!
      It's all about learning for me as I get closer to the end of life. I was surprised how much I did not know of the basics for teaching others outside of my country. Then I started to think about it, how many people in my own country do not understand some of the basics in the Bible. They just don't get it. Ken opened a lot of information for me in sharing the gospel which starts in Genesis. Great speaker, knowledgable, upbeat and not brow beating, with touches of humor from his own experiences. I'll listen to this again. Thank you Lord for Ken's gift and desire to teach.
    • marklukejohn
      Truthful Message
      Minister Ham delivers here very basic Christian Truths that must be heeded: "God designed marriage to be between one Man and one Woman. Anything else goes against His Design. Homosexual behavior is specifically listed as a Sin. Instead of avoiding this topic, we need to lovingly teach our next generation of Leaders to think Biblically."
    • BG
      Absolutely brilliant !
      Brilliant presentation. I wish every Bible- believing church in the US would play this video for their congregation. Mr Ham is absolutely right: the church in the US has lost the battle for people's souls because we have given up the foundational truths found in the first 11 chapters of the Bible
    • Al de la Cruz
      Great Sermon!
      It's blessed to find those who vie for the inerrancy of the Holy writ, but true believers are presuppositional, not evidential. He who draws nigh unto GOD... Heb.11:6. We believe GOD, not based on evidence but because He has caused us, by His Spirit, to believe. Anyone who denies the literal 24hr days of Genesis, has not been regenerated, and has need of true repentance. Keep up the good work, perchance some might come to the love and knowledge of the truth
    • B. McCausland
      Vital and relevant assessment
      This is a worth listening presentation for leaders, parents, and Sunday Schools teachers. Thank you
    • B. McCausland
      Significant presentation
    • Lydia
      Great Sermon!
    • Enlightened
      Great Sermon!
      Love must be without dissimulation. To the demise of fruitful witnessing, many believers live to please men; not the Lord. Is it any wonder that our children are paranoid, psychotic, narcissistic, and introverted? There's too much stock in fig leaves. But the word of God says we must come to Jesus, the living word, to be clean. We must allow the Word to search our hearts for wickedness.
    • Lottie
      True Information
      Reigning above any information given by men is the word of God. What is truly idiotic is our acceptance of the collected opinions of walking, talking dust that weren’t there at the beginning, and our rejection of the statement of the Creator of everything Who was there. He told us what He did and how long it took Him to do what He did. Enough said.