Abiding in Christ

Recent Comments
    • Diane Rose Hustoft
      Great Sermon!
      I am almost finished with this series. I listen to it and take notes and I want to know where Matt 15-28 is. Please tell me that they are here somewhere I am enjoying this series. Thank you Di
    • Lottie
      Great Sermon!
      Maybe this question has floated around the back of your mind, or actually made it to your lips...
    • Denise Louise Choate
      Great Sermon!
    • Tara
      Thank you
      thank you so much for this wake up call. I desperately needed to hear this as I struggle with small issues in comparison and to be reminded of the importance of obedience and the brevity of life. Love to you all in Christ.Tara
    • Tara
      Love hearing the truth!
      We love your teachings and have learned so much from them. I think this is one if those powerful sermons I have heard you preach. Praise the LORD for His great salvation!
    • Tara
      We were so encouraged by ths sermon! How often we complain, thank you for the exhortation to rejoice in all things!!
    • Tara
      I so needed to hear this!
      I needed to hear this so bad! Thank you for your faithfulness to the Word and for pointing me back to my Daddy. When I first got saved we started attending some word of faith type churches, we would hear the truth of God being our Father and the importance of leaning on Him for our every need, but along with that came the name it, claim it teachings and when we saw people saying things and not living them out and saw the name it, claim it as being error I'm sad to say I threw out all the teachings, I became very rule oriented (satan is a judo expert) so instead of the living sinfully while claiming grace, I went the other direction too far and became rather phariseeacle in my thinking and very rule oriented and judgemental? Over the last couple years our merciful Father has been showing me this and showing me truth. So much if that through your teachings, when we were in Tennessee and since we have come back to Maine. The enemy attacked heavily today (even my children saw it) to keep us from listening in for our daily devotion time, but it became clear why as we listened in, thank you for this sermon, its life changing. - Tara D.
    • Lottie
      Your titles are usually so Scripturally based. :-) I was trying to guess where in the Bible purple shoes are mentioned. Thanks for the story.
    • Dinanath Kadam
      Great Sermon!
    • Louise
      Tremendous Sermon!
      This so biblically exposes the heresy of the word of faith teaching as nothing but witchcraft. God is sovereign and in control of everything. We do not name it and claim it, or demand things of God based on formulas or pulling verses out of context for selfish gain or personal empowerment. God is on the throne, and this life is for His glory alone. Thank you Pastor Wood.
    • Laurie
      Great Sermon!