Linleigh Roberts

Lin is an Australian who came to know Jesus Christ as Savior at 9 years of age and responded to God's call to the ministry at 17. He graduated from Otira College, Moody Bible Institute, Columbia Bible College, and Covenant Theological Seminary. He has taught at Columbia Bible College and at Evangelical College of Biblical Studies in Australia. He has had pastoral experience, served on mission boards and ministered at Bible conferences.

Lin studied at L'Abri in Switzerland, is a successful author, and has had a fruitful ministry in several different countries - in churches representing most evangelical denominations. Lin is an outstanding Bible teacher with a deep burden for revival in the church. His desire is to help call the church back to its Biblical foundations and thus founded Biblical Foundations International (BFI). More details about BFI's worldwide ministry as well as free biblical literature available on BFI's website - He and LaVerne now make their home in Colorado where he continues his studies and writing.

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