Murrayville Baptist Church

ID murrayville Code# 59931

Murrayville Baptist Church was started December 30, 1962 by Brother Marvin Wheeler. It was his burden to see an independent Baptist Church established in the Murrayville area. Through the years, MBC has always believed that the word of God is the standard and authority for our lives.

We are a fundamental church, meaning that we believe in the "Fundamentals of the Faith." We are not ashamed of the testimony of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is an honor to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints.

Recent Sermons
Service Times

Sunday School - 9:45am
Sunday Morning - 10:45am
Sunday Evening - 5:00pm
Wednesday Kids Church & Service - 7:00pm

Physical Address
Murrayville Baptist Church 5407 Hubert Stephens Road Murrayville, GA 30564