
CC # 89 Fruitful in the land of my affliction Gen 41 vs 41-57

  1. If we use a gospel centered way of reading the bible, we will quickly learn that all the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation do indeed testify of Christ. And in the story of Joseph we also read the script of Christ Jesus. And where Christ is, there is both glory and hope and that means there is salvation.

  2. The story of Joseph was God's sermon about His own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as He came to bring salvation to those who were under hunger-the hunger due to sin, death and condemnation. Joseph goes through humiliation to get to glory, but the humiliation was on account of the sin of another, not of his own. And this Joseph is He alone who had the solution to the famine that was going to come and devastate the known world of the time.

  3. We learned that sin was part and parcel of what God determined to bring about the glory of His Son through the cross.

  4. The cross could not happen apart from sin and it was not God's plan B and that means sin was always part of God's plan, otherwise we have to deny a lot of things about Christ and God. There are no accidents in God's creation. Adam did not eat from the tree by accident. That is exactly what God intended-because none could be blessed of God apart from the cross of Christ.

  5. To say the cross was God's plan B is to say God is not in control of anything and gets outwitted by His own creation.

  6. But we see that Joseph had dreams of his future glory, before he even got to Egypt and yet he could not be exalted to the right hand of Pharaoh apart from the sin of Mrs. Potiphar. The adultery of Mrs. Potiphar was part and parcel of what brought Joseph to his exaltation as our sin brought the exaltation of Christ.

Sep 6, 2020
Sunday Service
Genesis 41:41-57
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