
False Prophets - Todd Bentley Exposed 04 episode 180


Today were going to conclude this series about the false prophet Todd Bentley. As we wrap up this series were going to look some of his other ungodly associations and deal with a few more problems.

Todd Bentley cannot verify one healing
Every supposed healing at these revivals, involve physical ailments that cannot be seen or measured during the meetings. In other words, you never see someone grow a new leg, arm or some new teeth. The alleged healings always involve problems like stomach or back pain. At times Todd has claimed to heal cancer, but there is not one single instance where a doctor confirmed that cancer has been healed. Todd Bentley even claims to have raised 31 people from the dead. Guys…if someone was declared dead and then raised from the dead, the legal explosion that would result would certainly catch the media's attention. You don't just raise someone from the dead and not have some major media coverage.

Several people Todd Bentley claimed he healed are dead from the same ailments that were supposedly healed.
This is absolute proof that Todd Bentley is a false prophet! World Magazine badgered Todd's ministry for a list of confirmed healings and after some time Todd gave in and produced a list. Two of the people on this list of confirmed healings were already dead! In other words, Todd Bentley claimed they had been healed when in fact they were already dead. Phyllis Mills and Christopher A. Fogle, both believed they had been healed, only to pass away soon thereafter. It's hard to think of anything more tragic and our prayers should be with their families. You can't help but wonder, if these people would have received medical attention

Aug 30, 2012
1 Timothy 3:2-15; Matthew 24:24
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