
Jesus: The Bridegroom, New Cloth & New Wine

262 ( 142 | 120 )

Who the Man says I am?
Who is Jesus Christ that Mark is telling us?
This is Christology!
The Son of Man and the Son of God!

What Characterizes the man who are in Christ?
Note the conjunction 'And”,( Kai-in original Greek word)-what's the significance of this word?

Why people should not characterize with 'mourning'?

Replaces the heart of the Gospel with something else?
The Forgiveness of Sin!

You should be Feasting! Not Fasting !!!!!
Listen to some OT writings which points towards the
fulfillment in Christ:
Zech 7:5, 8:19;
Jeremiah 7:34; 16:9; 25:10
context: 70 years of exile.
Jer 33:5-9
Isaiah 25:1-9, Pointing towards to Christ!

What is the significance of the word 'bridegroom' in the OT?
The Bridegroom is YHWH,
The Bridegroom is Christ,
Christ is YHWH!

This Sermon is Radically Reformed Puritan in Nature that Christ is the Center and Forgiveness of Sin is the Heart of the Gospel.!

Radically, a tripple Amen!

Sep 28, 2008
Sunday - AM
Mark 2:18-22
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