
More Uncomfortable Questions for Catholics #3: Venial & Mortal Sins, Unbloody Mass

50 ( 31 | 19 )

Rob Zins has authored the books, "On the Edge of Apostasy," "Romanism: The Relentless Roman Catholic Assault on the Gospel of Jesus Christ" & others.

More questions for devout Romanists:

  1. What is a venial sin? Is there such a thing as a venial sin that does not in some way break one of the 10 Commandments? If not then is not the sin a mortal sin?

  2. Is the Mass an unbloody sacrifice? If so then what is the wine changed into in the consecration? If not blood then what? If blood then it is a bloody sacrifice is it not?

  3. Explain why eating meat on Friday was a mortal sin punishable by Hell prior to 1965 and now it is no sin at all? How can a mortal sin be dismissed or changed into a non-sin?

Is Roman Catholicism & Biblical Christianity the same thing? No, Romanism & Christianity are not the same thing. Christianity is properly defined by certain doctrines that are revealed in the Bible. It is not defined by simply saying that as long as you believe in Jesus, you're a Christian. Mormons believe in Jesus, but their Jesus is a brother of the devil in the pre-existence. The Jesus of the Jehovah's Witnesses is Michael the Archangel. So, just saying you believe in Jesus doesn't make you a Christian. This is why the Bible tells us who Jesus really is, God in flesh, creator of the universe. Likewise, there are essential doctrines, & if any of those essential doctrines are violated, then a church would only appear to be Christian but not really be Christian. What are those doctrines? The Bible tells us. Let's take a look.
1.There is only one God and you are to serve no other gods (Exodus 20:3; Isaiah 43:10; 44:6,8).

May 18, 2014
John 14:6
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