
Redemption and Reproach Outside the Gate


The fishermen. Peter and Andrew and James and John. Ordinary, untrained men.

The tax collectors. Levi and Zaccheus. Wealthy, unscrupulous.

Adulteresses and prostitutes. Woman at the Well and the Immoral Intruder who Anointed Jesus' feet. Sinful, notorious, despised.

Pharisees and teachers. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea and Saul of Tarsus. Highly educated, legalistically orthodox, powerful, respected.

Young Christians. John Mark and Timothy. Safe in their Christian homes.

First century church of true believers and seekers and silent skeptics. The first audience of the NT Epistle to the Hebrews. One foot still in their Jewish traditions. One step away from persecution.

Jesus called them out – all of them! He summoned them to leave their lives behind, ordinary or powerful or religious or worldly, …

…and to go out to Him, regardless of the sacrifices and the shame.

The first readers of Hebrews were that early church!

Time and again, our letter calls them to put their Jewish traditions behind them and go to Jesus, regardless of the reproach, seeking the New Jerusalem.

Three reasons to leave the world and suffer scorn for your Savior.

  1. His grace is our food (v.9).
  2. His cross is our altar (vv.10-12).
  3. His reproach is our glory (vv.13-14).
Sep 1, 2019
Sunday - AM
Hebrews 13:9-14
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