
Why pray Part 2

318 ( 271 | 47 )

INTRO: Why pray? What a simple question! What a difficult subject! Who of us would dare say prayer is not very important? Who of us can say, “My life shows it is important?” It seems almost sacrilegious to keep track of how much time we spend praying. But maybe it would be OK, just for our own personal benefit sometime to keep track of the time we spend in prayer. And then say, “Here is a very important practice. Now let me see, I have 1,440 minutes every day, and I pray so or so many minutes. From that, how important would it seem, prayer is in my life?”

Now I know you cannot judge the effectiveness of a person's prayer life by the time they spend in it. Some spend a lot of time counting beads doing it and they have wasted time, if not actually sinned. But how many things can you pray about in five minutes, or even ten. How important is prayer in my life?

Aug 29, 2010
Sunday Service
Daniel 10:1-14; Mark 11:20-24
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