
ABCs of Christian Growth - Witnessing - 3

50 ( 7 | 43 )

Key Moments:

Witnessing Overview 00:00

  • Discussing the four steps to a soul-winning witness, focusing on the concept of a harvest as illustrated in the Bible.
  • Exploring various biblical references such as Psalm 126, Matthew 13, John 4, and 1 Corinthians 3 that emphasize the importance of sowing and reaping in witnessing.
  • Highlighting the significance of preparation, sowing, watering, and tending to the spiritual harvest akin to the natural process of farming.

Step 1: Go 06:36

  • Emphasizing the essential first step of going out to share the gospel and the importance of actively engaging in witnessing efforts.
  • Encouraging church members to participate in visitation programs and outreach activities to reach out to the community.

Step 2: Sow 19:30

  • Discussing the significance of sowing the seed of the Word of God in evangelism efforts.
  • Encouraging the use of gospel tracts, sharing the message of salvation, and utilizing the Bible as a powerful tool in witnessing.

Step 3: Water and Reap 32:47

  • Exploring the role of nurturing and cultivating spiritual growth in new believers through ongoing discipleship and support.
  • Encouraging believers to invite others to church services and preaching meetings to further nurture their faith.

The Romans Road to Salvation 38:54

  • Introducing the concept of using the Romans Road as a simple and effective tool for sharing the plan of salvation with others.
  • Discussing the importance of helping individuals recognize their sinfulness and need for a Savior through the law and the gospel message.

Conclusion and Next Steps 45:20

Summarizing the key points covered in the discussion on witnessing .

Nov 29, 2015
Sunday School
Matthew 13:3-9; Psalm 126:6
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