
7 Heads, 10 Horns, 10 Crowns? A Beast and a Little Horn? Must be an End Times lecture


In the pregame show pastor admonishes us to not miss a day of watching what's going on, so that you won't be wondering what's going on when things start to happen.

On with the Lecture. We're currently at Romans 8, 9, 10, and 11; and therefore we're in Revelation 13 and 17.

Pastor puts the things we're working through currently up on the board:

7 Heads
10 Horns
10 Crowns
Beast -- Little Horn

But first... current events. He brings up UNESCO. They have decided that Israel has no claim to huge parts of Jerusalem like the temple mount and the Wailing Wall. There's more, but I'll let pastor tell you.

And of course we look at what the Bible has to say about this. You see, Jesus Himself claims Jerusalem for Himself. He says it's "My House". But most of the UN says they want it to belong to the god of Islam. Oops. So now we’re in watch mode, as per pastor’s admonishment in the pregame.

But this is just the introduction. We do get back to talking about the Antichrist and Babylon along with what's going to happen to Jerusalem.

He begins the lecture by telling us about the study that's trying to figure how many stars there are out there. But not long after, he gets back to Daniel 7. From here I'll let you listen on your own.

We're counting on you to keep up. But if this is your first time listening to this crazy preacher, it might behoove you to go back and listen to the past ten or so lectures so you’ll have at least a chance of understanding this one.

So open your TextBook and your notebook. Sharpen your pencil and take a seat. The Advanced class starts now. Press play.

Oct 16, 2016
Sunday Service
Daniel 7; Revelation 13
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