
Apologetics: Mormonism Intro


Upholding the Word of God in a faithful manner includes strong exhortation of sound doctrine as well as prepared refutation of false doctrine. The gospel necessarily involves an engagement, for in purporting to proclaim the truth, we will be confronted with errors – that must be answered! It can be tremendously helpful in evangelistic endeavor to have some familiarity with the commonly held beliefs of particular religious sects. In this manner we can quickly bring to mind scriptures which manifest matters of error, with the desire that God would use His Word through the power of the Holy Spirit to impact the hearts of those whom we preach the gospel to. Since faith involves an intellectual element, it is important that we do not retreat from reasoned argument, but answer in a reasonable way from the basis of God's Word! So just as the Lord encourages Israel to “come and let us reason together” so we ought to be prepared to share the genuine gospel with those who contradict, “always being ready to give a defense for the hope that is within us with gentleness and reverence” (1 Pet 3:15).

Aug 7, 2011
Sunday Afternoon
Titus 1:9
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