
Agreeing and Acting — Confessing and Forsaking


Agreeing and Acting — Confessing and Forsaking

Jeremiah 3 and 4

Who's more worn out, YOU or the ENEMY?
Do WE weary ourselves to sin and make it way too easy for the enemy to trap us?
Or...Is the ENEMY more worn out and frustrated in his attempts to seduce us?

God told His people in Jeremiah 2:23-24 that they were acting like two female beast, a camel and a donkey, while in heat and "all those who seek her will not WEARY THEMSELVES; in her month they will find her."


Why is she so easily found?

She's out looking and in the hunt for them!

Just a few questions for us to ponder.

A lesson learned from observing nature and a warning from God...

May He grant us all repentance... Jeremiah 3:11-15

The danger… if we feed and nurture our flesh (weary ourselves in things that have no eternal value) we will reap the corruption of the flesh... yet if we sow to the Spirit and walk by the Spirit we shall of the Spirit reap that which is glorious and Godly. Gal. 6:9-11 ; 5:14-23 ; Rom. 13:14 ; Phil. 4:8-9 ; Heb. 12:1-5

  1. Return to Me. (Trust and come to Me with yourself, your sin, your past and your future.)
  2. Acknowledge your sin. (Confess... come and agree with Me that your sin is yours --- and it is just as I have described it to you. Come to Me and you will see your sin as I see it. You have knowingly trespassed against Me because of the wickedness in your heart... acknowledge it and I will heal you!)
  3. Turn from these offensive things, for Me... give Me your heart and all that you are.
  4. Welcome my love and forgiveness with open arms, you are Mine and I want to lavish you with My unfailing love.
  5. I will give you shepherds and teachers that have a heart for Me
Aug 6, 2021
Sunday - AM
Jeremiah 3; Jeremiah 4
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