
Minnesota Twins & Moby Dick


On the first half of the program today, I will speak with Edward Lee Pitts - Washington Buareau Chief for WORLD Magazine. I will speak with Lee about his cover story entitled, Minnesota Twins. In the article Lee writes, "The public images of Tim Pawlenty and Michele Bachmann could not be more different: Mr. Nice Guy versus Mrs. Prairie Firebrand. But beneath the surface the two GOP presidential candidates have more in common than being from Minnesota. Those who know them say it would be a mistake to underestimate either one."

On the second half of the program, I will talk about a recent article written by RC Sproul in the latest issue of Tabletalk Magazine. The article is entitled, "The Unholy Pursuit of God in Moby Dick". Sproul writes, "I believe that the greatest chapter ever written in the English language is the chapter of Moby Dick titled “The Whiteness of the Whale.” Here we gain an insight into the profound symbolism that Melville employs in his novel. He explores how whiteness is used in history, in religion, and in nature."

Aug 3, 2011
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