
Diminish Not A Single Word


Diminish Not A Single Word

We can't violate nor diminish the value of the point and purpose of a passage or truth to appeal, accept or affirm the demands of the culture.

The word can't mean what it never meant.

Integrity in teaching and preaching is fundamental to giving eternal solutions for temporary delusions.

God rarely shouts His word to us... if all I ever get is a shouting (excitingly have something to say that has life in it) word from God, but not hearing the whisper of Jesus in private, all I'm getting is seconds, left overs, reproduced nutrition.

I can't always adequately communicate something exactly how I conceived and conceptualize it in my mind.

If we're not hearing we ought not be speaking

God's alter was to be made of raw, uncut, un-chiseled, un-smoothened rough edge stones, stones unaltered by man that will hijack the focus and get the attention of men rather than God. (Deuteronomy 27:5)

He told Jeremiah to not diminish a word I give you. Jeremiah 26:2

Be as graphic and grave and gracious and glad hearted as I give it to you.

Don't dress it up and cover the weightiness of my message. You heard it said, when women are shopping or trying on closes, "Does this flatter me?" They are wanting to know if it's covering up the little extra weight they've put on... or if they're loosing weight, they don't want to get something to big or little that does not make them look their best.

God's word doesn't need us to cover its weight nor its wisdom... don't shave off the rough edges.

Matthew 10 reminds us: what God whispers to you in private you go tell it in public.

#nestingwithjesus #jeremiah #jeremiah26 #lamentations

Aug 31, 2021
Sunday Service
Jeremiah 26; Lamentations 3
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