
Achan's Sin

86 ( 66 | 20 )

The city of Jericho has come under judgment of God. There are things God expects of His people in light of that judgment. One main thing is separation. Separation can be ecclesiastical but first and foremost it is personal. We separate from sin. This does not mean we separate from things that are legitimate. In this message, we look at the sin of Achan

  1. The prohibition to sin
    God gives a warning in the context of a shout for victory. It shows God values the people's obedience more than the victory. God's warning comes as a test. Will the people do what is right in the midst of temptation and triumph?

1a. the duty (Joshua 6:18)
"keep yourselves"
There will be times of temptation. It comes as an enemy to our souls. The command comes to all people, young and old

1b, the danger (Joshua 6:18)
"lest you make yourselves accursed"
If you do not keep yourselves from the things of the world, the danger is that they will become a snare. We have to guard our heart's affection so we would not be turned from the love of God.

  1. The practice of sin (Joshua 7:21)
    We see the practice: he saw, he coveted, he took, and he hid. Eve saw fruit was good. Sin begins when we see something. Don't underestimate influence of eyes on the heart. Coveting is idolatry. It is loving something more than God (Heb 13:5). Achan took something that should have been given to the Lord. We can steal from the Lord. Don't despise the talents the Lord has given you. He covered his sin. Sin leads to more sin.

  2. The penalty for sin
    Sin ends in death and ruin. God puts down markers at times. Achan shared in victory of Jericho but lost his soul. We are kept by power of God but don't be careless

Aug 13, 2017
Sunday - AM
Joshua 6
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